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The Globe Christian Center is located in the small town of Globe, Arizona, but it has a large vision. As part of the Christian Fellowship Ministries it has a full range of ministries with a vision of reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Worship services are Sundays and Wednesdays. There are Bible classes for adults and youth of all ages, a nursery for newborns and toddlers and a Children’s Church. The church has a choir that meets weekly and ministers on a regular basis. The Sunday School classes also perform for special service. Each summer a Music and Drama camp is conducted where the kids learn and perform a special program in the church services. 


All activities revolve around evangelism, discipleship and outreach. Our activity is designed to reach all ages and sections of society. There are special studies for male and female teens. For over 45 years we have had an active ministry in the State prison and for twenty years in the County Jail—both men and women. The ministry to the care home and rehabilitation facility are ongoing and a great source of blessing to all who participate.

The vision doesn’t stop with Globe. The church also takes seriously the Great Commission. It has established itself in the role in church planting in over twenty cities in the United States and, Internationally, it has planted and established fruitful works in China, Vanuatu, Romania and Uganda.




The Globe Christian Center is associated with the Christian Fellowship Ministries. For over 40 years, Globe Christian Center has been involved in church planting and missionary work. Through discipleship and church planting we have been able to place churches across the United States and as far away as Wuxi, China and Port Vila, Vanuatu.  We invite you to join us and see what God is doing in Globe, AZ.




Globe Christian Center of Globe, Arizona is a Christian Fellowship Ministries' Church. CFM, Inc. was founded in 1970 by Pastor Wayman Mitchell. A spiritual fire was launched that is spanning the globe. Now, over 3,200 churches have been planted in over 130 nations of the world with the number growing daily. From that, crusades and conferences sprung up that are touching tens of thousands every year. This church is a product of that vision and is working to see it expanded in the short time that remains before Jesus' return. God has given us a vision for the day we live in. Our message is simple, yet it is the cornerstone of all truth. Jesus Christ is the only hope for man's salvation and that is true with every person in every nation on the globe. In a world full of empty dreams and false promises is a truth which grows stronger every year, and that is Jesus Christ and Him crucified!



In our local church, God has given us a powerful revival of men and we are obeying the command by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations..."  As we have grown as a church, men have grown into leadership roles.

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Pastor John & Esther Gooding


Pastor John Gooding has ministered as Pastor, evangelist or teacher for over 40 years throughout the United States and in twenty-seven foreign nations. Pastor Gooding has a BA from the University of Arizona; MS, Central Washington University; MAT from Fuller Seminary and...

"Success is never owned, it's leased, and rent is due every day."

J.J. Watt, NFL Player

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